Student Activities Conference @ CSU
Date(s) - 04/09/2016
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
CSU - Fenn Hall 103
Cleveland State will be hosting the IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Conference this April 9th. About 250 students between NJ and OH will be at CSU during this event. CSU is looking for section members to get involved with this event by working with CSU students to judge competitions during the conference. Judges are needed for two competitions:
1. Ethics competition (3-5 judges needed)
This competition gives student teams a chance to review a case study and create/give a presentation about the case study. The judges will be required to watch the presentations and score each team based upon a scoring sheet provided by the CSU student hosting the competition. This will be about a 4 hour commitment (around 1:00pm – 5:00pm).
2. Research paper competition (4 judges needed)
This competition gives students a chance to submit a paper and give a presentation about a research topic of their interest. The judges will be required to read the research papers before April 9th and score them based upon a scoring sheet provided by the CSU student hosting the competition. The judges will also have to attend the presentations and be involved with a Q&A session at the end of each presentation. The judges will score each participant during the presentation and Q&A session based upon a scoring sheet provided by the CSU student hosting the competition. In addition to reviewing the research papers before the competition, the judges will have about a 4 hours commitment (around 1:00pm – 5:00pm).
3. Sponsorship
Cleveland State is also looking for companies in the Cleveland area to be involved as sponsors. There are many ways for companies to be involved. A small list of examples of company involvement include: hosting a table during the conference career fair, hosting a workshop about your company / company’s products, and/or addressing the conference attendees at main events throughout the conference. The sponsorship packages proposed in the linked PDF are designed to serve as examples. If a company would like to work with CSU to create a unique sponsorship package, the CSU volunteers will gladly create something that will benefit the best 250 IEEE students from the region in addition to the sponsoring companies.
If you are interested in becoming a judge, or if your company would be interested in becoming a sponsor, please email the IEEE student branch at or the event coordinator, Taylor Barto, at
Thank you,
–Taylor Barto
2016 IEEE R2 SAC coordinator, Cleveland State University