Women in Engineering: You Can Do It!

Date(s) - 10/26/2018
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

CSU - Washkewicz Hall


Washkewicz Hall 405
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
3:00-3:30pm: Social hour (Refreshments and beverages will be served. )
3:30-4:15pm: Presentation
4:15-4:30pm: Q&A


Dr. Margaret Nazario is the Optics and Photonics Branch Chief at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field. She has been with NASA for 28 years. Dr. Nazario received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics
from John Carroll University, and her doctorate in Electrical Engineering from The Univ. of Akron. Dr. Nazario is active in mentoring students and participates in various mentoring programs including the CSU’s Engineer for a
Day program.

Women have the potential to be amazing and successful engineers!
Dr. Nazario will discuss what inspired her to become an engineer, her scholastic choices, her career path, and employment experiences as a female in a male-dominated field. She will also provide anecdotes on interesting female engineers who have made an impact on society, potential careers options for engineering students, and provide advice to female engineering students to help them successfully complete school in order to pursue an exciting and fulfilling career in engineering.

RSVP: Dr. Lili Dong • L.Dong34@csuohio • 216-687-5312

Bring a copy of the flyer for CPD credit

Flyer: Women in Engineering Oct 2018